Complete kit with reinterpretations of all Heroquest miniatures, produced by the artist Fabio Schizzo ( composed of all the characters of the game Heroquest, being 4 heroes and 31 monsters, with a total of 35 miniatures.
- 4 Heroes (Barbarian, Dwarf, Mage, Elf)
- 1 Warlord (Chaos Mage)
- 4 Chaos Warrior
- 1 Gargoyle
- 3 Fimirs
- 6 Goblins (Sword, Scimitar, Ax)
- 8 Orcs (Star Mace, Sword, Cleaver)
- 4 Skeletons
- 2 Zombies
- 2 Mummies
Parts printed on impact resistant resin. Ideal to replace paper parts of the version produced in Brazil. They can also be used in any 32mm scale miniature game.
Heroquest: Heroes and Monsters Retrocrusade Kit (35 items)
printed in impact resistant resin, in 0.05mm layers for maximum details in the piece.
Forja Digital has resale rights for the physical versions of the Retrocrusade Line products, developed by Fabio Schizzo Miniatures (